Man living in airport
As my brother-in-law read La Nación while eating breakfast, he told me the following news story, which tickled him pink, probably because it featured a Cuban like himself. Can you believe it, he told me, a Cuban has been living in the airport (of San José) for 33 days? Just like the movie, he added —referring to The Terminal starring Tom Hanks— but only it’s real. He read some more. He’s been living out of a suitcase (Haven’t we all, buddy, he commented). He’s been eating airplane food (Can’t complain about having three meals a day, he interjected) and washing himself in the bathroom sinks. He took a shower for first time yesterday! That’s probably the worst of the hardships, I said, knowing that Cubans take showers twice a day. Apparently this man was in a flight from Cuba that was heading to Ecuador, hiding in the baggage compartment. When the airplane made a stop in Costa Rica, he decided to leave here. Except at immigration, he said he was a Salvadoran electrician. Ha!, my brother-in-law laughed, of course his Cuban accent gave him away! So the man is living in the airport, in limbo, can’t be deported but can’t leave the airport because he officially didn’t enter the country.
Thursday, January 8, 2009