April UV
It’s hot. I don’t know precisely how hot it is, because there are no thermometers around here and if you ask someone, they just say: hot. April is typically the hottest month of the year and according to a study done by the Universidad Nacional, there is 27% more ultraviolet radiation in April than in December. The media has been advising people to protect themselves from the sun by wearing protective clothing, using sun block lotion, and avoiding the sun between 10 am and 4 pm. I’ve also seen billboards on the roads raising awareness of skin cancer. Close to 2,000 people have been diagnosed with skin cancer last year, 55 of whom died. To get a perspective on these numbers, about 3,000 people die of cancer annually in Costa Rica. The most common cancer is stomach cancer, followed by breast cancer for women and prostate cancer for men. One problem with skin cancer prevention is that sun block lotions are expensive. A 200 ml bottle costs between $12 and $25. There has been talk about exempting this product from import taxes so it can be more affordable. Meanwhile, the professional soccer teams have voiced their opposition of playing midday matches due to the risks of skin cancer and dehydration. The vice-minister of Labor said he’ll look into the matter.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009